"For Elise" 2005 with painter Lorraine Whelan
"For Elise" 2005
The Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow, August 7 - September 2 2005, with painter Lorraine Whelan
This is a two person exhibition of our recent work which relates to the birth of our daughter Elise. As working artists we have both been exploring the emotions involved with pregnancy, the birth, and continual growth of our child. Thematically our new work evokes and affirms the joyous amazement of creation, new life, the spirit of fertility.
James' body of work The Paternity Suite began developing in response to the approaching birth of our daughter, to reveal the emotions and changes in our lives from a male point of view. The work continues post-birth in response to fatherhood as a reflection of the classic mother and child and the natural/universal paternal instinct.
Lorraine's interest has dwelled on the development of both traditional symbols that represent fecundity (such as fruit) and modern/personal symbols and images which provide a new view on this theme (for instance, the abstract composition of stripes in a pregnancy test). Her work can be viewed HERE
This exhibition of our work includes paintings on canvas and handmade paper by Lorraine, and James' work includes original prints, wall-mounted metal sculptures, an insatllation of sculpture and video, and small-scale bronze and ceramic sculptures. Images of other work included in this exhibition can be viewed in the sections Paternity Suite, Paternity Suite 2002-2003, and Ball!
Image Details
- Paternity, bronze, 14cm tall
- Climb Dadda, bronze, 14cm tall
- Comfort, ceramic & bronze, 7cm tall
- Kneeling, ceramic & bronze, 9cm tall